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2024 Show Schedule


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RING ONEShowjumping             Classes to commence at 12 noon PROMPT

Annual Show Only – Classes to commence at 11.00am

Competitors in classes 1.3– 1.10 who jump clear in the first round will go through to the jump off.

1.1 Lead Rein raised poles, max height 30cms. One round against the clock. Any suitable height horse/pony. Rider age 9 years and under and must be lead by an adult (16+).Riders may only compete in the Lead Rein, Pre-Beginners and Beginners sections of the Showjumping and Working Hunter classes.

1.2 Pre-Beginners max height 40cms. One round against the clock. Any suitable height horse/pony, rider any age. Riders may be accompanied in the ring by an adult (16+ and appropriately dressed) but the adult must not assist unless the rider is in difficulty. Riders may only compete in the Lead Rein, Pre-Beginners and Beginners sections of the Showjumping and Working Hunter classes.

1.3 Junior Beginners max height of fences 50cms. Any height horse/pony.

1.4 Senior Beginners max height of fences 55cms. Any height horse/pony.

1.5 Junior Pre-Novice max height of fences 60cms. Any height horse/pony.

1.6 Senior Pre-Novice max height of fences 70cms. Any height horse/pony.

1.7 Junior Novice max height of fences 70cms. Any height horse/pony.

1.8 Senior Novice max height of fences 85cms. Any height horse/pony.

1.9 Junior Open max height of fences 85cms. Any height horse/pony.

1.10 Senior Open max height of fences 95cms. Any height horse/pony.




Three Gala Showjumping trophies to be won by the highest placed members in : –

CLASSES 1.1, 1.3 and 1.4




To commence, on completion of all Ring One classes, and not before 2.30pm.

Classes must be pre-entered unless stated.

Classes 1.11 – 1.13

1.11 Concours d’Elegance

1.12 Best Lorry Dog (£2 per entry, pre-entry or paid at the ring)

1.13 Fancy Dress



To commence on completion of all classes and championships




All classes marked with « are STARS Championship Qualifiers.

Congratulations to all of our members who competed in 2023 and good luck to those hoping to qualify in 2024!


RING TWOWorking Hunter              Classes to commence at 10:30 or not before the completion of First Ridden Showing

Competitors complete one round of jumping and, at the judge’s discretion, will return to complete an individual show. Horses may wear plain coloured boots for the jumping phase only.

Riders are strongly advised to wear an up to standard body protector whilst completing the jumping phase.

  • In Working Hunter classes a pony must be 153cms and under and may be ridden by a member of any age.
  • In Working Hunter classes a horse must exceed 153cms and may be ridden by a member of any age.

2.1«Lead Rein Working Hunter raised poles, max height 30cms. Pony must be 128cms and under. Riders age 9 years and under and must be lead by an adult (16+). Riders may only compete in the Lead Rein, Pre-Beginners and Beginners sections of the Showjumping and Working Hunter classes.

2.2« Pre-Beginners Working Hunter max height 40cms. Riders may be accompanied in the ring by an adult (16+ and appropriately dressed) but the adult must not assist unless the rider is in difficulty. Riders may only compete in the Lead Rein, Pre-Beginners and Beginners sections of the Showjumping and Working Hunter classes.

To be judged as one class. One set of rosettes will be presented and points will be awarded accordingly. Entries must be made in the correct section for the purpose of allocating qualifications.

a) Tiny Tots (Pony under 128cms and rider aged 9 years and under).

b) «Any horse/pony height, any rider age.

2.3 Beginners Working Hunter Pony max height of fences 50cms. Open to plaited (including a running plait), hogged and M&M ponies.

2.4 Novice Working Hunter Pony max height of fences 60cms. Open to plaited (including a running plait), hogged and M&M ponies.

2.5 «Open Mountain and Moorland Working Hunter Pony open to registered and non-registered M&M ponies.

To be judged as one class. One set of rosettes will be presented and points will be awarded accordingly. Entries must be made in the correct section for the purpose of allocating qualifications.

a) 133cms and under (max height of fences 60cms).

b) Exceeding 133cms – 153cms (max height of fences 75cms).


Ring to recommence not before 13:00

2.6 Beginners Working Hunter Horse max height of fences 55cms. Open to plaited (including a running plait) or hogged horses.

2.7 «Open Working Hunter Pony open to plaited (including a running plait) or hogged ponies only.

To be judged as one class. One set of rosettes will be presented and points will be awarded accordingly. Entries must be made in the correct section for the purpose of allocating qualifications.

a) 133cms and under (max height of fences 65cms).

b) Exceeding 133cms – 153cms (max height of fences 75cms).

2.8 Novice Working Hunter Horse max height of fences 75cms. Open to plaited (including a running plait) or hogged horses.

2.9 «Open Working Hunter Horse max height of fences 90cms. Open to plaited (including a running plait) or hogged horses only.

To follow: Working Hunter Championship –Annual and Willow Nook Shows Only.

Members placed 1st or 2nd in classes 2.1 – 2.9 are eligible.


RING THREEIn Hand  Classes to commence at 9:15

3.1 Senior Handler open to all handlers aged 40 years and over.

3.2 «Yearling & Youngstock colt, filly or gelding born in 2021, 2022 & 2023.

3.3 « Cob to include Show Cobs & Traditional Cobs. Any height.

3.4 «Junior Handler 12-17 years. Hard hats with fastened chinstraps must be worn.

3.5 «Plaited Horse exceeding 148cms.

3.6 Best Conditioned Horse exceeding 148cms.

3.7 «Young Handler 8-11 years. Hard hats with fastened chinstraps must be worn.

3.8 «Tiny Tots Handler 7 years and under. Hard hats with fastened chinstraps must be worn. Handlers may be accompanied in the ring by an adult (16+ and appropriately dressed) but the adult must not assist in the handling of the pony unless the handler is in difficulty.


Ring to recommence not before 13:00

3.9 Part Bred any height, part bred of any breed.

3.10 «Veteran any height, age 15 and over.

3.11 «Plaited Pony 148cms and under.

3.12 Best Conditioned Pony 148cms and under.

3.13 «Coloured open to all coloured horses / ponies.

To be run as one class. One set of rosettes will be presented and points will be awarded accordingly. Entries must be made in the correct section for the purpose of allocating qualifications.

a) Up to and including 143cms.        b) Exceeding 143cms..

3.14 «Mountain and Moorland Small Breeds open to registered and non-registered ponies to include Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland, Welsh A and B.

3.15 Foreign and Rare Breeds open to registered and non-registered foreign (not native to the UK) and/or rare breed horses/ponies.

3.16 «Mountain and Moorland Large Breeds open to registered and non-registered horses/ponies to include Connemara, Dales, Fell, Highland, New Forest, Welsh C and D.

To follow: In Hand Championship –Annual and Willow Nook Shows Only.

Members placed 1st or 2nd in classes 3.1 – 3.16 are eligible.



Junior Best Rider – 16 years and under.

Senior Best Rider – 17 years and over.

Trophies will be presented to the competitors who receive the most nominations throughout the season in classes 5.1 – 5.15 inclusive.

The best rider, selected by the judge in each class at each show, will not necessarily be a placed competitor.


RING FOUREquitation and Ridden             Classes to commence at 09:00

4.1 «Best Turned Out competitors must enter ridden (including lead rein). An individual show is not required.

4.2 «Riding Club Horse horses exceeding 148cms, rider any age. Will include one jump in the individual performance (max height 70cms). Any suitable bridle can be used.

4.3 «Riding Club Pony ponies 148cms and under, rider any age. Will include one jump in individual performance (max height 60cms). Any suitable bridle can be used.

4.4 «Senior Equitation rider 18 years and over. Snaffle bridle only.

4.5 «Lead Rein Equitation rider 9 years and under. Open to any height horse or pony. Leader must be an adult (16+ and appropriately dressed). Snaffle bridle only and the lead rein must be attached to the noseband and be direct to the leader’s hand. Rider not to compete in any other equitation class.

4.6 «First Ridden Equitation rider 11 years and under. Snaffle bridle only.

4.7 «Junior Equitation rider 12-17 years. Snaffle bridle only.

To follow: Equitation Championship –Annual and Willow Nook Shows Only.

Members placed 1st or 2nd in classes 4.2 – 4.7 are eligible.


Ring to recommence not before 12:30

This ring is aimed at true beginners, both children and adults, and not at those also entering other open showing/jumping classes (unless transitioning from the lead-rein). Please enter these classes in the spirit in which they are intended. The judge shall use their discretion when judging these classes.

Competitors do not need to wear full showing attire but must be smartly dressed and wearing a long sleeved top, smart trousers/jodhpurs, suitable footwear and a riding hat. Competitors can enter on the lead-rein and/or have assistance (from an adult 16+ and appropriately dressed).

4.8 Beginners Showmanship any suitable height horse/pony, rider any age. An individual show will be required. The judge will offer showing tips and advice. The class will be judged in a manner that allows competitors to learn whilst competing. There will be no end of season points awarded for this class.

4.9 Walk and Trot (Pony) pony 148cms and under, rider any age. Walk and trot individual performance only. There will be no group go-round.

4.10 Walk and Trot (Horse) horse exceeding 148cms, rider any age. Walk and trot individual performance only. There will be no group go-round.

4.11 Novice/Nervous/New To The Ring open to any rider and/or horse and pony who is considered to be novice, nervous or new to the show ring. Walk and trot only in group go-round. Cantering optional in individual performance. This class will be split horse / pony if sufficient entries are received.

4.12 Rider With A Disability individual performance required but this should only be in a manner that the rider is comfortable. There will be no group go-round.

4.13 Bonnie Pony competitors may enter ridden or in-hand.

4.14 Novelty competitors may enter ridden or in-hand.

May                                               Pony / Horse the judge wants to take home

June                                              Best mane and tail

July                                               Prettiest face

Late July                                       Pony / Horse with the kindest eyes

August (Willow Nook)                Most suitable family pony / horse

September (Annual)                    Pony/ Horse most like its handler/rider


RING FIVERidden Showing     Ring to commence at 09:15

5.1 Novice Pony plaited or native, not to exceed 148cms. Pony not to have won the overall points in this class in previous seasons, or to have won first place in any open showing class at Thornton Cleveleys & District Horse Club before 2024. Snaffle bridle only.

5.2 «Lead Rein rider 9 years and under. Ponies must not exceed 128cms. Leader must be an adult (16+ and appropriately dressed). Snaffle bridle only and the lead rein must be attached to the noseband and be direct to the leader’s hand.

To be judged as one class. One set of rosettes will be presented and points will be awarded accordingly. Entries must be made in the correct section for the purpose of allocating qualifications.

a) Plaited        b) Mountain and Moorland

5.3 «First Ridden rider 11 years and under. Ponies must not exceed 128cms. Snaffle bridle only. Cantering in individual performances only.

To be judged as one class. One set of rosettes will be presented and points will be awarded accordingly. Entries must be made in the correct section for the purpose of allocating qualifications.

a) Plaited        b) Mountain and Moorland

5.4 «Coloured open to all coloured horses / ponies.

To be judged as one class. One set of rosettes will be presented and points will be awarded accordingly. Entries must be made in the correct section for the purpose of allocating qualifications.

a) Non-Native (Plaited)       b) Native, Cob, Traditional

5.5 Part Bred any height, part bred of any breed.

5.6 «Veteran open to horse/pony 15 years and over. No spurs to be worn. No galloping in individual performances. Lead-rein competitors are eligible to enter.

To be judged as one class. One set of rosettes will be presented and points will be awarded accordingly. Entries must be made in the correct section for the purpose of allocating qualifications.

a) 15-19 years       b) 20+ years

5.7 Foreign and Rare Breeds open to registered and non-registered foreign (not native to the UK) and/or rare breed horses/ponies.

LUNCH    Ring to recommence not before 13:00

5.8 Novice Horse plaited or native, exceeding 148cms. Horse not to have won the overall points in this class in previous seasons, or to have won first place in any open showing class at Thornton Cleveleys & District Horse Club before 2024. Snaffle bridle only.

5.9 «Cob to include Show Cobs & Traditional Cobs. Any height.

5.10 «Mountain and Moorland Small Breeds open to registered and non-registered animals to include Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland, Welsh A and B.

5.11 «Show Hunter Horse exceeding 153cms.

5.12 «Mountain and Moorland Large Breeds open to registered and non-registered animals to include Connemara, Dales, Fell, Highland, New Forest, Welsh C and D.

5.13 « Plaited Pony open to all plaited ponies.

To be judged as one class. One set of rosettes will be presented and points will be awarded accordingly. Entries must be made in the correct section for the purpose of allocating qualifications.

a) Show Pony (not exceeding 148cms) b)      Show Hunter Pony (not exceeding 153cms

5.14 «Show Horse open to all plaited show horses.

5.15 «Race Horse to Riding Horse open to all registered RoR.

To follow: Showing Championship –Annual and Willow Nook Shows Only.

Members placed 1st or 2nd in classes 5.1 – 5.15 are eligible.