All members who received trophies at this event had a letter in April, along with the Spring Newsletter, pointing out when each set of trophies needed to be returned. Your Presentation Evening trophies are now due on or before the last show which is on Sunday 3rd of September 2023. As this show now involves the Annual trophy show it would be better to return your trophies to the caravan not to the tent displaying the Annual trophies. If you have already returned your trophies, thank you very much.
We need them early to check them and replace were necessary. Please don’t leave it till later as has happened with some Willow Nook trophies, this involved the club having to find replacements on the morning of the show rather then leaving members disappointed when the correct trophy had not been returned.
If you did not return your trophy for Willow Nook Show, make sure it comes back on Sunday or be prepared to pay for it to be replaced.
Don’t forget your entries for the cancelled Annual Show go forward to the September show and, if you could not attend the previous date it was due to be held, you can enter as usual.